La Terza Rivoluzione Industriale (Third Industrial Revolution)
“Italy is a democratic republic founded on work” (Article 1 of the Italian Constitution). But what if there is not enough work for everyone? This is the interrogative posed by Roberto Ippolito, author of the book being presented at MuSA starting at 5.30 pm
Work and wellbeing after the third industrial revolution, change in the rapport between capital and workforce in the production industry are the main themes treated by the author.
Today, to increase production we no longer hire manpower, we buy high productivity machines, causing unemployment and a reduction in the market. This entails consequences such as an increase in poverty because most people today can have an income only by selling their work capabilities – both manual and intellectual.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca, Claudio Guerrieri and The Mayor of Pietrasanta, Domenico Lombardi, will be present. Later, Prof. Davide Ticchi, tenured professor at IMT Scuola Superiore Alti Studi Universitari (Institute of Advanced Studies) and Dr. Giampaolo Vitali, CNR (National Research Council) researcher, will intervene with their reflections.
A round table will follow, moderated by Dr. Massimo Marsili, Director of Area Promozione e Sviluppo Imprese (Enterprise Promotion and Development) of the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca, involving also author Roberto Ippolito and the audience present.