MuSA at LuBeC 2013
Organized by Promo PA Fondazione, LuBeC – Lucca Beni Culturali is the international meeting dedicated to the development and knowledge of the realm of cultural “heritage-technologies-tourism” taking place each year in Lucca during the third week of October. A pivotal moment of the debate between public administration and enterprise, a meeting point for cultural aggregation, generator of concrete actions for development, alternating plenary sessions, debates, training seminars, presentations and previews for the purpose of proposing and activating intervention strategies and collaboration axes.
Furthermore, thanks to LuBeC Digital Technology, the technological-digital innovation expo applied to the promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage and territorial marketing, LuBeC is also a stage for companies involved in the field and for agencies wanting to present the promotional projects created and get to know potential new partners.
On this occasion, the MuSA will be present with an exhibit and promotional stand of the project born in 2012 as a real and virtual space equipped with innovative, cutting-edge IT devices at the service of the communication of the entire marble supply chain and correlated activities, in order to create a network of relationships on a local, national and international level with companies, institutions, art and culture.