Tariffe Sala Musa

Happy people educate better: life-style didactics!


On Sunday, January 22, the MuSA hosts an important initiative for the first time in Italy: the Inverse-INL Educational System. An opportunity to find out how to apply didactics to everyday life and to improve that of children / students. The purpose of the conference is to provide the parent / teacher with tools for knowledge of inherited and generated programs to understand and work on relationships with children / students. Teaching is a form of communication that, though not in contrast to pedagogy and psychology, is also used by adults in the management of future generations, in order to counter the difficulties that often occur in interpersonal relationships.

Schedule of the day:

9:30 Welcome
10:00 Start of activities
Inverse Didactics for All – INL by Luciane Arboitte dos Santos
“Dysfunction” as a form of “evolution correction” by Simona Caminati
In the face of dyslexia by Beatrice Carnaghi and Margherita Caprari
17:00 Conclusion of the works

During the event there will be little breaks. It is advisable for each participant to wear comfortable clothes. Packed lunch

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