EXTRA – EXPO “from EXTRAction to EXPOsition: a journey on how rocks become masterpieces”
A delegation from Macael, Spain, is visiting MuSA within the realm of EXTRA – EXPO “from EXTRAction to EXPOsition: a journey on how rocks become masterpieces”, a cooperation project in support of trans-national tourism based on European cultural and industrial heritage, co-financed by the European Commission.
Following the welcome greetings reserved for them at Pietrasanta Town Hall, the delegation will visit MuSA, the space created to favour industrial and handicraft companies of the Apuan-Versilia territory involved in the extraction, production and processing of marble, that in the course of recent years has had the privilege of hosting lots of different initiatives. On this occasion, films will be shown telling the story of the structure and the lives of some of the artists, workshops and art institutions of Pietrasanta.
A meeting with Consorzio CosMaVe, the consortium for the development of marble activities in Versilia, and a visit to local companies and workshops will follow.
Partners del progetto:
Italia – Lucca Promos, Enit
Portogallo – Università di Algarve – CRIA Divisione Imprenditorialità e Trasferimento Tecnologico, MAKE IT BETTER
Belgio – Camera di Commercio Belgio – Germania – Lussemburgo AHK DEBLUX
Spagna – L’Unione dei Comuni della valle dell’Almanzora, La Comunità Indipendente di Castilla La Mancha – Direzione Generale Turismo e Artigianato
Grecia – L’Associazione Folklore – Città di Maratona, IDEC SA