Da 500 anni sulla Breccia. I materiali lapidei della Versilia Medicea tra storia, archeologia e architettura. (Breccia: 500 on the crest of the mountain. Marble of the Versilia of the Medici: history, archaeology and architecture)
Seminar organized by Lucca Intec and Cosmave, in the realm of the activities of the “Polo Pietre Toscane” project.
The seminar, organized by Lucca Intec and Corsorzio Cosmave in the realm of activities of the Polo Pietre Toscane project, begins at 5 pm.
Below is the evening’s events program, moderated by Fabrizio Rovai.
Institutional greetings
Fabrizio Rovai – President of Cosmave
Riccardo Tarabella – President of the Comitato Lodo Mediceo (Arbitration Ruling Committee)
Domenico Lombardi – Mayor of Pietrasanta
Umberto Buratti – Mayor of Forte dei Marmi
Ettore Neri – Mayor of Seravezza
Michele Silicani – Mayor of Stazzema
Technical interventions
I marmi del rinascimento in Toscana (Renaissance Marble in Tuscany)
The intervention illustrates the evolution of the uses of ornamental marble in the region in the late Middle Ages and in the Baroque period
Dr. Antonio Bartelletti, Director of the Parco delle Alpi Apuane Park and Dr. Alessia Amorfini
Le conoscenze geologiche sulle cave di Brecce di Seravezza della Versilia (Geological knowledge of the Versilia Brecce di Seravezza quarries)
In-depth analysis of the geological characteristics of the formation of the Brecce di Seravezza and panoramic view of the varieties present in the different Versilia quarries (Pontestazzemese, Volegno, Cave del Corchia, Monte Alto di Retignano)
Dr. Sergio Mancini, Geologist
L’utilizzo dei materiali lapidei apuo-versiliesi nell’architettura rinascimentale toscana cinquecento anni dopo il Lodo Mediceo di Papa Leone X (The use of marble from the Apuan-Versilia area in Tuscan Renaissance architecture five-hundred years after Pope Leo X)
The intervention describes the use of Versilia marble in Tuscan Renaissance architecture five-hundred years after Pope Leo X Arbitration Ruling Florence (S. Maria del Fiore, S. Maria Novella) and Pietrasanta (S. Martino)
Eleonora Dedini and Paolo Camaiora, Architects